How to Draw Cheese in 4 Steps

This short tutorial shows how to quickly draw a piece of cheese with step by step illustrated examples and simple instructions.

cheese drawing step by step
cheese drawing step by step

The cheese in the example is drawn from 3/4 view. This is is great option for showing off it’s shape and giving the drawing a more three dimensional appearance. Overall the tutorial is fairly easy and can be good for just about anyone. Weather you are trying to improve your artistic skills or are just looking for something to draw for fun.

It’s recommended that you start the drawing in pencil and make light and easy to erase line just in case you happen to make a mistake. You can darken them once you have all parts of the cheese outlined.

For drawing some french bread to go with the cheese see:

How to Draw Bread in 4 Easy Steps

Step 1 – Draw the Side of the Cheese

cheese side drawing
cheese side drawing

First draw the side of the cheese piece. The area where it’s been sliced. It’s overall shape should be similar to a rectangle (viewed on an angle). Give the cheese rounded corners on the bottom and leave the corners on the top open with little breaks in the outline.

First, draw two angled lines for the top and bottom. Place these in such a way where they get slightly closer together as they go towards the back of the piece. Next, draw the line for the back followed by the one for the front.

When outlining the front of the cheese add what looks like a pair of little bites to show the holes that are so characteristic of many types of cheese.

Step 2 – Draw the Top

cheese outline drawing
cheese outline drawing

Draw the upper part of the cheese looking somewhat like a triangle that has one curved side (the one in the back).

Step 3 – Draw the Holes

cheese line drawing
cheese line drawing

Add holes of varying size along the side of the slice. Although these are generally circular in shape (but not perfectly so) you should draw them to be slightly oval to show that they are being viewed on an angle.

Try and make the placement of the holes somewhat uneven to make them look more natural.

Step 4 – Color the Cheese

cheese drawing
cheese drawing

To color the cheese make it’s side a light yellow and it’s top area and holes an orange/brown. An easy way to create these colors is by using water based paints or colored pencils. Either mix the appropriate paints together for the orange/brown or apply the colors in two layers with the pencils.


Making a line drawing of a piece of cheese in 3/4 view (like in this example) is fairly straightforward. All you need to do is to outline it’s two visible sides and then add some holes. Coloring it is even easier.

Hopefully you’ve not had any trouble following along with the steps.

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