How to Draw a Horned Owl in 12 Steps

This tutorial shows how to draw an owl with easy step by step illustrated examples and straightforward instructions

owl drawing step by step
owl drawing step by step

Owls are fairly interesting and distinct looking birds (particularly due to their big eyes) . The example in this guide is of a horned owl done in a style similar to one you might find in a cartoon. Drawing in such a way can be easy and more fun (especially if you are a beginner) as this stylized example has fewer details than you would generally need for a more realistic look.

The guide is set up in a way where you will need to do a little bit of erasing in a few of the steps. For this reason be sure to start the tutorial in pencil (unless drawing digitally) and make light lines until you have all parts of the owl outline. You can trace over your drawing with darker lines before coloring.

Step 1 – Draw the Owl’s Head

owl head outline drawing
owl head outline drawing

Begin by drawing the lower part of the owls head as shown in the example. Make it fairly wide and give it a shape like that of a bean but leave the upper end open. Be sure to also leave plenty of room below the head for the body.

Step 2 – Draw the Owl’s “Horns”

owl head drawing
owl head drawing

On top of the head add the part that has the “horns” (these are actually feathers). Draw the “horns” curving upwards on each side with little split on their ends. Join the them with a smooth curve at the top and add a pair of downward curves running from each “horn” towards the area that will have the beak (added in a later step).

Step 3 – Draw the Wings

owl wings drawing
owl wings drawing

Going down from the bottom of the head add the wings. Draw these curved as though they are hugging the body. First, make the outlines of the wings slightly wider as they go down and then narrower again with splits on their ends. The splits will help create hints of feathers.

Step 4 – Draw the Body

owl body drawing
owl body drawing

For this very simple step draw a curve between the inner tips of the wings to define the owl’s body.

Step 5 – Draw the Feet

owl feet drawing
owl feet drawing

Coming out from below the body add the feet. Draw these with three toes each (shape like little curved sausages).

Step 6 – Draw the Beak

owl beak drawing
owl beak drawing

In the middle of the head below the part that runs down form the “horns” draw the beak. First, outline it’s outer shape as a vertical oval and then draw the split between it’s lower and upper half. Draw the split in a way that gives the upper part of the beak a pointy tip (as shown in the example).

Step 7 – Draw the Eyes

owl eyes drawing
owl eyes drawing

As they are nocturnal birds owls generally have big eyes (one of their most definitive traits). Draw the eyes by first defining their outer shapes as a pair of circles. Place these a little bit below the upper part of the head. Next, draw a smaller circles towards the inner end of the larger ones to create the pupils. Finally, add the reflections as a pair of small ovals that overlap the pupils. You can erase parts of each pupil’s outline when adding them. The reflections will help show that the eyes have a smooth surface.

Step 8 – Draw the Talons of the Feet

owl talons drawing
owl talons drawing

Coming out of the toes draw the talons. Similar to the pupils and reflections you can erase a bit of each toe’s outline when you add them. Make the talons fairly long and slightly curved with sharp bottom ends.

Step 9 – Draw the Face Details

owl face drawing
owl face drawing

Horned owls tend to have different colored feathers in the middle of their face. Define this area as shown in the example (somewhat following the outline of the head).

Step 10 – Draw the Feathers Along the Body

owl feathers drawing
owl feathers drawing

Horned owls’ often have a lighter feathers around their neck. Draw these shaped as shown in the illustration above.

Step 11 – Draw the Feathers on the Wings

owl line drawing
owl line drawing

For the last set of details draw some feathers along the owl’s wings (as shown in the example)

Once done adding the feathers examine your drawing to make sure all parts of the owl look good and make any corrections if required. You can then darken your lines by either tracing over them with the pencil (and pressing harder on it) or with a black marker. You can also fill in the pupils with black or dark pencil shading.

Step 12 – Color the Owl

owl drawing
owl drawing

To color the owl you can use any media you have available (paints, markers, colored pencils, etc…). If you wish you can replace the brown and dark brown with the grey of a regular pencil (owl can be grey). Otherwise color as follows:

  • Brown – most of the head/body and talons
  • Light brown/orange – face and lighter feather area below head
  • Yellow – eyes
  • Dark brown – bottom ends of the “horns” and feather strips along the wings
  • Orange – beak and feet

Once done applying the color you should be done with the drawing.


Owls are interesting and (generally) easily recognizable birds (due to their big eyes). Drawing a stylized cartoon owl like the one in this example can be both fairly simple and fun.

Often when stylizing a drawing the challenge is in making sure that it’s still recognizable. However, the tutorial provides an easy to follow guide on how you can do just that. The end result shown as the example is fairly stylized yet definitely looks like a horned owl.

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