How to Draw a Strawberry Step by Step

This tutorial shows how to draw a beautiful strawberry in six simple steps with easy to follow examples for each of them.

strawberry drawing step by step
strawberry drawing step by step

The most interesting part of this particular tutorial is that it explains how you can give the berry a more three dimensional appearance just by properly drawing the little seeds along it’s surface.

Although this guide is created in a way where in an idea situation you won’t have to do any erasing, it’s still recommended that you start the drawing in pencil and make light and easy to erase lines until all parts of the strawberry are in place. You can then darken them with the pencil or a thin black marker.

For drawing a raspberry see:

How to Draw a Raspberry in 8 Steps

Step 1 – Draw the First Half of the Strawberry

strawberry half drawing
strawberry half drawing

Start by outlining the first half of the berry as shown in the example. Make it’s shape wider at the top and narrower at the bottom with a bit of an indent on the side.

Step 2 – Draw the Second Half

strawberry outline drawing
strawberry outline drawing

Add the second half as a reflection of the first one. For a nice looking strawberry you want the it to be fairly symmetrical but don’t worry if it’s not perfectly so.

Optionally, you can make a straight vertical line through the middle of the berry to help you see if both halves are even in width and erase it once you are done with this step of the drawing.

Step 3 – Draw the Crown

strawberry crown drawing
strawberry crown drawing

At the top of the berry add the crown. Show this as a set of little leaves of slightly varying shapes. Draw the leaves near the center and gradually pointing more sideways as they move towards the sides.

For a tutorial on drawing an actual leaf see:

How to Draw a Leaf Step by Step

Step 4 – Draw the Stem

strawberry stem drawing
strawberry stem drawing

Coming up from the crown add the stem. Draw it with a curve in it’s overall shape and make it slightly wider as it goes up.

Step 5 – Draw the Seeds

strawberry line drawing
strawberry line drawing

This last step is more complicated than the rest of the drawing. However, it’s also very important in giving the strawberry a more three dimensional appearance.

Draw the seeds in a way where those that are near the edges of the berry somewhat “flow” along it’s shape. Make them smaller and narrower the closer they are to the sides and smaller and shorter (vertically narrower) the closer they are to the top or bottom. At the same time draw the seeds farther apart near the center of the berry and closer together near its’ edges/outline.

Drawing in the way described above will help show the curvature of the strawberry and will make it appear more thee dimensional. If for example you were to draw the seeds to all be evenly spaced and of roughly the same size the berry would look flat like a piece of paper.

Step 6 – Color the Strawberry

strawberry drawing
strawberry drawing

You can use whatever medium you like the add the drawing. Markers, paints and colored pencils can all be good options.

Make the strawberry red, it’s crown and stem green and the seeds a light yellow. Also, when coloring the berry leave a little cluster of white spots (as shown in the example). These will show light reflecting from it’s surface and help convey that it has a smooth texture. You can either outline the reflections before coloring (with red or very light pencil lines) or create them as you color.


This guides shows how you can make a beautiful drawing of a strawberry and give it a somewhat three dimensional and smooth appearance without adding any shading.

If you like these kinds of simple but effective drawing techniques and easy to follow step by step instructions also be sure to try the following tutorials: