How to Draw a House Step by Step

This tutorial shows an easy way to draw a house. It provides simple illustrated examples and straightforward instructions.

house drawing step by step
house drawing step by step

The house drawing in this example is done in a simplified and slightly stylized way to make the tutorial beginner friendly. Starting out with uncomplicated things is a good way to learn.

The tutorial has a total of nine steps. You can see the preview of these in the illustration above. As you may have noticed, this particular drawing consists of a lot of straight lines. While you could use a ruler to help you make these it’s recommended that you do them by hand (if you wish to improve your artistic skills).

Although the guide is set up in a way where in an ideal situation you won’t need to do any erasing, it’s highly recommended that you start the tutorial in pencil and make light lines that you can easily erase in case of a mistake. Darken your lines later on by tracing over them (once you have all parts of the house outlined).

Step 1 – Draw the Foundation of the House

house foundation drawing
house foundation drawing

Begin by drawing the house’s foundation. Make it a long and narrow rectangle.

While this step is very simple it’s also very important as the foundation will set the width for the rest of the house. Be careful not to make it too long or too short.

Step 2 – Draw the Front

house front drawing
house front drawing

On top of the foundation draw the forward (street) facing part of the house. First, define each of it’s sides with a pair of straight lines and then add the pointy roof over top (called a gable roof).

Step 3 – Draw the Side

house side drawing
house side drawing

Attached to the front section add the side of the house. This again consists of two parts, the lower rectangular area and the roof on top (with a slope on it’s side). First, draw the roof and then connect it to the foundation with a single straight line to define the wall below it.

Step 4 – Draw the Windows

house windows drawing
house windows drawing

With the main sections of the house outlined add some windows. In this case there are three of them in total (all rectangular in shape). Start by adding the largest window in the middle of the forward facing part of the house followed by the smaller one above it. Also, add a window near the outer end of the house’s side section. Make this one the same height but slightly narrower than the first one.

Once done outlining each window also draw a ledge below the two larger ones. Similar to the foundation make the ledges long narrow rectangles.

Step 5 – Draw the Door

house door drawing
house door drawing

Near the middle of the house between the two large windows draw the door. Make it’s shape a vertical rectangle and add a round handle to one of it’s sides. Below the door draw a pair of steps. Make the top step slightly wider than the door and the bottom step slightly wider than the top one.

Step 6 – Draw the Window Plants

house window plants drawing
house window plants drawing

To make the house look a little more lively add some plants growing from the window ledges. As this is a somewhat stylized drawing you can outline the plants as a series of curves of slightly varying sizes. They should look a little bit like clouds. However, if you want a simpler drawing you can leave these out.

For more on drawing plants see:

Step 7 -Draw the Window Frames

house window frames drawing
house window frames drawing

Add fairly thick frames around the two larger windows and add some dividers to all of them afterwards. Using vertical lines split the largest window into three and the smaller one into two. Split the small window into four using a vertical and a horizontal line that both run through it’s center.

Step 8 -Draw the Chimney

house line drawing
house line drawing

Finally, for the last part of the house add a chimney coming up from the side section of it’s roof. Make the chimney’s bottom part slightly narrower (but taller) than the top.

With the chimney in place you should have all parts of the house outlined. If you are happy with how everything looks go over your drawing with darker lines (as was mentioned at the start of the tutorial). Otherwise make whatever tweaks you think are required before doing so.

You can either trace over your lines with a regular pencil (simply press harder on it to darken them) or a thin black marker.

Step 9 – Color the Drawing

house drawing
house drawing

Once you are done with the line drawing you can color the house as shown in the example. Use whatever medium you prefer or have on hand (markers, colored pencils, paints etc…). You can use a regular pencil for the grey and the white of the paper for the white.

Fill in it’s different parts as follows:

  • Roof – red
  • Walls – yellow
  • Windows – blue
  • Door – brown
  • Window Frames/Steps – leave white
  • Foundation/Window Ledges/Chimney – grey
  • Window Plants – green

While the above is a good combination of colors you can also use a different one if you prefer.


As mentioned at the start of the tutorial, drawing simple things like the house shown in this guide can be a great way to improve as a beginner artist. Line quality is an important part of learning to draw and this tutorial allows you to practice making straight lines while drawing something nice.

Even if you are not particularly interested in learning to draw this is still an easy to follow tutorial that can be a fun way to pass some time. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed it.

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